McNabb Elementary, 2010-2011

McNabb Elementary-Where Success is Expected! 

           (Grade: Teacher's Last Name)

McNabb Elementary is a truly exemplary school! One of three Paducah Public elementary schools, McNabb has ranked among the TOP TEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS FOR AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT, five out of the past six years!

 Among the numerous accomplishments of McNabb kids, many have had writings published in periodicals such as the KY English Bulletin, as well as the Purchase Area Writing Project Anthologies, Icy Tales & Dare to Dream. Read their writing here!  
Our kids have city school pride and grow up to attend Paducah Tilghman High School.
(Just take a look at our school spirit below when we sent PTHS off to the state tournament last year!)

Learn more about McNabb Elementary at .

See teacher's homepages by going to the site above (then select teacher's name from staff list). Also view photos, school calendar,  PTO information, elibrary information & more!

McNabb Friends:  Submit your questions or comments here.