McNabb Elementary, 2010-2011

These pieces were submitted on the HOME page by students and their families! Now, that's what I'm talking about! AWESOME! 

My daughter, RyMia by LaDetra Burks

To: Rymia, From: Mommy

My daughter Rymia is so sweet
from her head down to her feet.

Her smile is like a ray of sun
when she's around, we always have fun.

She brings me hope when she's by my side
I'm impressed with how hard she tries.

She's so special in every way
I always pray, God will keep her safe!

I love my RyMia as you can see,
and I also know that she loves me.
Puppies by RyMia Burks

I love puppies, they're so sweet.
Their soft heads are real soft.
I ask my mom if I can have one,

and she says maybe..... so that means soon.
Dogs like me very much, and I don't know why, 

                                      but I think I'll like dogs forever.                                   

Anonymous Writing:

One and one and one
dead leaves 
dead crickets
one ant alone can't pick it up
this meal to our busy nest
but one 
and one together
we two 
we know any time of day
this is so:
One and one and one
is the best way to get things done.

There was a little girl. She was at school. She was new. There, people were bullying her. She asked if she could go to the bathroom and a girl pushed her and a boy pushed her, too.

Have you ever wanted to see the world and everything it has to offer? Well, just hop on the plane and go because all you have to do is pay a small fee and then travel the world. by Nakitia Finch
Dear Reader,                                                                                                                                                                            
        Do you ever wonder what people do in other states? Well, here is the answer to all your questions. All you have to do is get on that airplane and fly away to answer all your questions. Keep reading to find out more.                                                                                                                                                                      
       Now I know that might say, “But think of all the money we would have to pay. I’m not doing that!” But guess what? It is only the smallest of the smallest fee to travel around the world. A lot of people do it without losing all of the money out of their pocket and you can do it, too. Give it a try.  Please consider my thought and just hop on that plane and travel every where you want to go with just a little fee. Believe me.                                                                                                                                                                 
                                                    Nakitia Finch

A 3 Sentence Story by Hope Mason

There was a boy walking in the parking lot who lost his homework. He went home and his mom said, “Where is your homework?” He said, “In my room.” 

There was a little girl named Anijah. She was in a parking lot at Wal-Mart.  She said mom get me a cell phone!  Her mom said how are you talking to me?  The end. 

Comments by Nakitia Finch
got on internet in Martin's room forgot to type running out of time 5..4..3..2...1... bye

Spooky Writing Submitted from October 21-25, 2009

Haunted House by Ke’Ara Douglas
The haunted house
is spooky.
It has a skeleton
in the window.
A scarecrow
made out of rock.
It stays on the hill.
The haunted house.
Fall by Makel Askew
Fall is fun
Autumn is coming
Lovely colors
Lovely leaves

 Halloween Story by Anijah Blakemore
There was a little boy who was only 7 years old. He was at a Halloween party. He went to this haunted house. There was music in the house. He saw a bogeyman. His mom was looking for him. The bogeyman was chasing the boy who was scared. His mom looked in the haunted house. The End. BOO! Have a fun Halloween! 


The Scarecrow by Ke’Ara
The scarecrow stays at a hotel. He wears a blue t-shirt. He has scary eyes and looks like he is mad. He likes to swim when no one is outside in the hot tub. He likes to play, but honey, let me tell you he loves Halloween.


It takes you everywhere. It is decorated with pumpkins and it drives you like a roller coaster. It is a super speedy car. If you want to ride a roller coaster, you don't even have to go to the fair. Even though you have to pay $10 it will take you around town. You will have to pay for food because it is a long ride. The food costs $1 a piece. You can even stay a night in the Halloween car. It is so fun! You should try it! THE HALLOWEEN CAR!

J Comments for Ms. Withrow J

Comments by JaLynn Ragsdale
Thank you, Ms. Withrow, for making this website. It was the best thing that happened to us! We all love you. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. 

I Love by Ke’Ara Douglas
I love a lot
Ms. Withrow. 

WRITING by Ke’Ara 
I love writing with Miss Withrow.

I think she is so cool.
I like writing poems;
so does Miss Withrow,
but honey, she is the best writer
in the whole world.
She can write, she can hum,
she can draw. She is almost
Good at everything.
(I think sometimes she makes
mistakes but it is okay.)
Thank you, Miss Withrow for all the times you helped me on my writing. I really do appreciate it. Thank you very much for helping me when I struggle.  Thank you very much. You are so nice. You are like an angel. Actually you are an angel. THANK YOU, MISS WITHROW! You look like HANNAH MONTANA! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! THANK YOU, ANGEL!